You may have oily skin

Oily skin occurs when the skin’s sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, or oil, which can make skin look shiny or greasy. Pores are often enlarged, and excess sebum can often lead to acne-prone skin. Hormonal changes can also cause oily skin.

It’s important not to overload oily skin with product. This helps balance the natural release of oil from the skin and reduce blemishes without stripping moisture. Choose pH-neutral skincare products that are tailored to help oily skin restore and retain balance by hydrating it without making it greasy. Take special care of your oily skin in hot weather, as heat can lead to produce more oil.

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Facts about Oily Skin

Fact 1

Oil produced from your skin is produced by sebaceous glands. Every pore on your skin is a tiny gland that produces oil called sebum. This is what keeps your skin naturally hydrated and healthy. However, some people can have overactive glands which causes oily skin.

Fact 2

Excess oil makes your skin look shiny or greasy. It can also cause imperfections such as spots as a result of clogged or blocked pores.

Fact 3

As people age, levels of hormones fluctuate which directly affects the skin. Hormonal changes often result in oilier skin, but hormones can also cause the skin to dry out and lose elasticity.

Fact 4

Other than hormones, oily skin can be caused by genetics, over-washing (scrubbing and exfoliating too regularly or using harsh soaps) that strip your skin of its natural balance, diet, and external factors like humidity, pollution and hot temperatures.

Your Routine

Step 1

Don't over-wash your skin: you risk stripping it and disrupting its natural balance, causing it to produce even more oil.

Step 2

Use skincare products that are designed for oily skin. Make sure the products you use are water-based lotions or gels to avoid adding more oil to your skin.

Step 3

Diet plays a huge role in the balance of your skin. Eating foods that are high in sugars, fats, and dairy can lead to an over-active sebum and cause imperfections and spots.