You may have atopic/ eczema-prone skin

Atopic/eczema-prone skin – also known as atopic dermititis, or eczema-prone skin – can affect us at any age. It’s a common condition that is neither contagious nor irreversible, and can be caused by genetics, environment and alterations in the skin’s natural barrier. Its symptoms include redness, itching and dryness of the skin on the body and face. Atopic- or eczema-prone skin can also flare up when you come into contact with dust, animal hair, and certain fabrics like wool and synthetics.

Care for atopic/eczema-prone skin by using dermatologically tested products that soothe irritations and gently nourish your skin on a daily basis. Take special care in low-humidity or very cold weather, and when handling irritants such as detergents, soaps, perfumes, and fragrances.

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Facts about Atopic/Eczema prone skin

Fact 1

Atopic-prone or eczema-prone skin is a condition, not a skin type. It can be caused by several factors such as genetics, poor immune system, and environmental triggers such as allergies.

Fact 2

This skin contition affects approximately 15%-20% of children and 1%-3% of adults worldwide.*

Fact 3

This condition is due to a weakened skin barrier function which makes the skin unable to absorb lipids and retain water as it should, causing it to become dry and sensitive.

Fact 4

Pollution, stress and lack of sleep can also trigger eczma flare-ups. Following an anti-inflammatory diet can help prevent and manage the condition.

Your Routine

Step 1

Atopic- or eczema-prone skin should be treated with creams that are rich in emollients and designed to calm skin inflammation and relieve itching.

Step 2

In serious cases your doctor may prescribe a steroid cream but as a general rule, it is best to avoid products with fragrance and aggressive ingredients.

Step 3

This skin condition can be made worse by harsh weather and hot water. Therefore avoid long hot showers and make sure to moisturise and treat your skin regularly. Taking creams out with you is a good way to stay on top of it while you are out of the house.

*National Library of Medicine, US.